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IvlyCastom教学纪实与反思 姚璐 教学内容:PEP小学英语四年级上Unit 1 Let’s talk 2。

教材分析:本节课主要让学生能够在打扫新教室的情境 中运用祈使句型:Let’s…,Let me …。能正确使用祈使 句,如:Clean the window.提出建议和请求,以及做出正 确反应,并通过对话,让学生运用所学句型模拟打扫新教室 的场景。

1.通过借助图片、录音、动画等手段,听懂理解吴一凡 和同学们在打扫新教室时提出建议的对话:Let’s clean the classroom. OK. 学生根据教室内的情况,提议在清扫教室 中自己做哪些工作。Let me clean the teacher’s desk. Let me clean the windows. Let me help you. 2.学生能够听录音模仿说对话。


4.学生通过模拟打扫教室的情境,扩展到表达家务劳动 的词组,在模拟和妈妈做家务的情境中进行对话交流。

5.通过对话体验同学们爱护集体、关心同学、互相帮助 的品质,引导学生要有积极的文化品格。

教学重点:理解模仿对话Let’s clean the classroom. OK. Let me clean the teacher’s desk. Let me clean the windows. Let me help you.教学难点:句型Let’s…,Let me…的区别。


一、 热身导入 (Greetings and lead in.) 1.问候交流,自由对话。(Greetings and free talk.) T:I’m very happy to see you today. Let’s sing a song. OK?Who wants to sing and dance here? 2.歌曲热身。(Sing a song.) “We have a new classroom” 3.Lead in T:You saw a new classroom in this video. Today we will learn a dialogue about classroom——“My Classroom”. 二、 呈现新知(Presentation.) ● Pre-listening(听对话前) 1. 浏览完整的故事图片,讨论图片,根据教师有梯度 的问题引导,猜测对话内容。

Look! Who are they in the pictures? Where are the boys? What do you see in the picture? What are they doing? Can you guess? What are they talking about? (学生通过小组合作、生生互动、师生互动,初步了解故事发生的地点和人物,结合自己的生活经验猜测不同的对 话内容。) ● While-listening(听对话中) 2.教师通过学生对故事的了解,提出故事框架问题: What do they want to do?让学生带着问题第一次完整地 听对话。通过听音,学生检验自己的猜测,并得出准确回答。

S: They want to clean the classroom. 3.教师通过问题引导,从对话细节入手,逐图呈现新知, 理清对话脉络和新知在语境中的应用。

T: Look at this picture. Who wants to clean the classroom first? S: Wu Yifan wants to clean the classroom first. T: What does Wu Yifan say first?(让学生猜测吴一 凡可能会和同学们说些什么。) S: Let’s clean the classroom.(课件呈现句型和示 范发音,教师板书呈现句型,讲解Let’s…,课件跟读模仿 clean the classroom。) T: Do they want to clean the classroom? S:Yes,they do. 切换幻灯片讲解clean the classroom(教师播放单词 发音,学生个体跟读模仿)。


T: We have a new classroom now. Do you want to cleanthe classroom? What would you say? S1: Let’s clean the classroom. S2: OK. 教师和学生手指PPT示范对话, Please talk about it with your partner.(半分钟后请2组问答。) 5.问题引导,激发兴趣,深度挖掘对话内容。

T: Who wants to clean the classroom with Wu Yifan? S: John,Mike,ZhangPeng. (学生听音得出。) (教师板书,将三个人物的头像依次呈现在板书上。) T: What does Wu Yifan want to do in the new classroom? S: Clean the teacher’s desk. (幻灯片呈现讲台图片,学生跟课件读单词,模仿发 音。) T: Can you clean the teacher’s desk? S1: Yes, I can. Can you clean the teacher’s desk? S2: Yes, I can. Can you clean the teacher’s desk? S3: Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.(Ask and answer one by one.) T: Wu Yifan wants to clean the teacher’s desk in the new classroom .What does Wu Yifan say? S: Let me clean the teacher’s desk. (教师书写板书,课件播放句子发音,学生跟读模仿。)T: What does John want to do in the new classroom? What does John say? S: Clean the windows. Let me clean the windows. (幻灯片呈现教室窗户图片,学生跟课件读单词,模仿 发音。) 6. 问题引导,师生共同探究故事结尾。

T: Look! What’s wrong with Mike? Can you guess?(先 讨论,推测故事内容,再听音检验推测。) S: The water is too heavy. He can’t carry it by himself. (学生听音得出。) T: What does Zhang Peng want to do? What does he say? S: Zhang Peng wants to help Mike. S: Let me help you. (教师书写板书,课件播放句型发音,学生跟读模仿。) T: These boys are very kind and nice . They like keeping the new classroom clean and tidy. 三、 对话操练( Practice.) 1. 根据图片回顾故事内容,并听音跟读。(Listen and repeat.) T: That’s the whole dialogue. Now let’s listen and speak. 2.Let’s dub.T:You can repeat the dialogue. Let’s dub it now. 四、 对话表演(Let’s act.) 教师示范表演Wu Yifan。邀请三名学生分别扮演John, Mike和Zhang Peng。

Task A: Act the dialogue. Task B: Read this dialogue. 表演结束后让学生有意识地从语音语调和表情动作两 个方面评价表演。

五、知识拓展(Extensions.) PPT展示 :
Clean the kitchen/ living room/ bathroom/the table/ toy box/my room. 学生通过短语拓展,创编与爸爸妈妈一起做家务的对话, 并分角色表演。

六、总结(Sum up.) 请学生说一说这节课学到了什么知识。What did you learn from this dialogue? What do you think of Zhang Peng. 七、德育渗透(Moral education.) T: Zhang Peng is a good boy. He can help his classmates. What about you? What did you do in the past?Can you say something about it?Let’s watch another video. What do you want to do in your dailylife? 请学生根据对话内容和观看的视频短片,谈一谈通过这 节课的学习,在友善待人、关心他人方面有哪些感受,今后 如何做。

八、作业(Homework.) 1. 听音模仿对话。



本节课的教学内容是一篇对话课文,我在教学中突出对 话课的语言交际性特点,以不同难度和类型的问题引导学生 在师生、生生交流中学习新知、操练句型、重现对话,在模 拟情境中创编对话,教学思路清晰,突出了以下特点。

1. 本节课的教学设计遵循了语言学习的规律,关注了 学生的情感,营造了宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围。在对话 中呈现新知识,通过对话呈现和复现语言点,为学生提供了 大量的优质的语言输入,然后充分发挥了他们的主动性和创 造性,使学生在轻松愉快的语言活动中输出语言。

2. 第一次试教后,通过集体研讨反思,进行了教案再 设计,修改后的跟读模仿活动设计达到了预期的效果。通过 小组合作,模仿跟读、朗读、表演课文,在对话中体验、操 练本课重点句型,并且适当扩展句型,这样学得活,用得活, 学生学起来感到亲切有趣,享受到了学习的乐趣,同时也突破了重点句型的学习。

3. 教学思路清晰,体现了对话的交际性特点。帮助学 生了解学习的重点、难点,使其能灵活地把握学习的主动权。

培养了学生自主学习的能力,使学生充分展示自我,同时激 发学生的思维,有利于培养学生的探究能力和创新意识。教 学中各环节设计也体现了层次性,关注不同层次学生的不同 需求,真正体现了学生的主体性。



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