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来源:保险演讲稿 时间:2019-10-29 07:54:21 点击:


深圳市2000-2003年交通事故的流行病学特点 【摘要】 目的 探讨深圳市交通伤害的流行病学特点。方法 对深圳市公 安局交通警察局提供的2000-2003年交通事故的资料进行描述性统计分析。结果 4年共发生交通事故22 039起,死亡3 649人,男∶女为6.57∶1,伤19 274人,直 接经济损失12 481万元。伤害人群主要年龄段为20~50岁,3 164人,占86.71%, 各年龄段10万人口年死亡率则以30~50岁为高峰,范围为10.22~28.98之间,10 万人口交通事故死亡率呈逐年上升趋势。日时间段以0~1时及19~24时为高发时 段,月份分布较为均匀。地段以城市主干道路及一级公路为主。死亡人员身体部 位损伤有效统计1 864人,头部1 276人,多部位477人,分别占35.0%(1 276/3 649)、 13.1%(477/3 649)。平均减寿年数为40.0年。结论 深圳市交通事故危害性大,主 要伤害青壮年流动人口。加强交通安全管理,提高市民的交通安全意识等,是预 防和控制交通伤害的主要措施。

【关键词】 事故,交通;
流行病学 epidemiological traits of traffic accidents in shenzhen, 2000-2003 zhang qing  ping1, qiu jian  dong1, chen jian  liang2, kang jian  fang3, zuo you4. 1.department of neurosurgery, shenzhen fourth people"s hospital, shenzhen 518033, china;
2.department of neurosurgery, shenzhen people"s hospital, the second clinical medicine college, jinan university, shenzhen 518020, china;
3.shenzhen ophthalmologic hospital, shenzhen 518001, china;
4.department of neurosurgery, shenzhen seventh people"s hospital, shenzhen 518081, china 【abstract】 objective to explore the epidemiological traits of traffic accidents in shenzhen. methods descriptive statistical analysis was applied to the data of traffic accidents from 2000 to 2003, which were provided by shenzhen traffic management bureau. results the total of the traffic accidents in the four years were 22 039. the deaths were 3 649 and the ratio of men to women in the toll was 6.57∶1. the injury was 19 274 and the direct economic loss was 124.81 million yuan. the high  risk age was from 20 to 50 years old and the number was 3 164 which accounted for 86.71%. rate per 100 000 populations in various ages" section had 30~ 50 years old as the peak, the range being 10.22~28.98 years old. traffic rate per 100 000 population increased yearly. the high period in daytime was 0~1 and 19~24 o"clocks. the month distribution was even. city branch paths and first  grade highways were the main roads for accidents. the effective stastics of dead bodies" injury was 1 864. head injury was 1 276, accounting for 35.0% (1 276/3 649). multi  part injury was 477, accounting for 13.1% (477/3 649). the average life loss was 40.0 years. conclusions the traffic accidents in shenzhen are harmful and the floating youth are major victims. strengthening traffic safety management and enhancing citizen"s traffic safety awareness are the major measures to prevent and control traffic injury.【key words】 accidents, traffic;
epidemiology 随着深圳市人口、经济的迅速发展,交通意外伤害已经成为不容忽视 的公共卫生问题和社会安全问题,严重威胁人民群众的生命财产安全,影响社会 的和谐发展。WwW.133229.COM我国的死因构成中,伤害位居第4位,车祸死亡 已占中国男性和城市居民意外伤害死亡的第1位[1]。研究表明[2],2000-2020年 期间,道路交通伤害死亡人数在高收入国家将下降30.0%左右,在中低收入国家 则会大幅度增加,如果没有适当的措施,到2020年道路交通伤害预计将成为第3 位伤残调整寿命年的原因。为此,笔者对深圳市辖的各区2000-2003年发生交通 伤害情况进行调查分析,探讨深圳市交通事故的发生特点及规律,为交通部门制 定管理策略提供科学依据。

1 材料和方法 1.1 资料来源及研究对象 交通事故资料由深圳市公安局交通警察管 理局提供,范围为市属各区。事故发生时间为2000-2003年。所有在深圳市公安 局交通警察局备案的,有人员伤亡的事故为入选对象。

1.2 研究内容 交通事故死亡人员的年龄、性别、伤害部位,事故发 生的地段特点、时间分布等。

1.3 统计方法 所有资料经核实后,将相关资料录入数据库,采用spss 13.0软件进行统计分析。

2 结果



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