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英语成语故事带翻译200字 英语成语故事带翻译篇一:What is Said Carries Weight一言为重 In ancient times, there was a prime minister named Shang Yang in the State of Qin. He was held in high regard by the King. In the year 359 BC, he prepared for a political reform to promote the economic development. But he was afraid that the people would not believe local authorities. He thought an idea. 古时候秦国有个相国叫商鞅,秦王非常器重他。公元前359年,他打 算在秦国实行变法,但他怕百姓们不相信官府,就决定做件事以取得他们的信任。

One day, he had a 10-meter long pole erected at the south gate outside the capital. Then he told the crowd whoever took the pole to the north gate would be awarded 10 ounces of silver. Everyone was astonished, but nobody dared to have a try. After seeing that, Shang Yang raised his voice and said: " Anyone who carries the pole to the north gate will get 50 ounces of silver." A brave man did it and was be given 50 ounces of silver. Others felt very reGREtful. 有一天。他把一根10米长的竿子竖在都城南门外,然后告诉百姓如果 谁把这根竹竿拿到城边北门,就赏给他10两银子。开始,大家听到这个消息都很 吃惊,但没人敢试。于是商鞅又提高声音说:
"谁把这根竹竿拿到北门,赏50 两银子。"这时,有一个胆子挺大的人愿意去试一试。当他把竹竿拿到北门时, 商鞅立刻赏给他50两银子。其他人看见了,都非常后悔自己没去试。

In this way, Shang Yang achieved his aim successfully. Soon the state of Qin became the strongest country. 经过这件事,大家都相信了官府。后来商鞅的变法进行地很成功,秦 国因此成为了当时最强大的国家。

Later, people use it to praise the man who keeps his promise. 后来,人们就用 "一言为重"来比喻一个人信守诺言。

be afraid of one"s own shadow草木皆兵 in ad 383, the king of former qin (秦朝), fu jian (fú jiān 苻坚), led a huge army to attack eastern jin. 公元383年,秦王苻坚率领步兵、骑兵90万,攻打江南的晋朝。

after losing the first round of fighting, fu jian looked down from a citywall, and was terrified when he saw the formidable battle array of the eastern jin army. 在一轮战败后,苻坚从城墙俯视周遭,当他看到势不可破的东晋部队, 他感到很害怕。

and then looking at the mountains around, he mistook the grass and trees for enemy soldiers. 此时,苻坚在寿春城上望见晋军队伍严整,士气高昂,再北望八公山, 只见山上一草一木都像晋军的士兵一样,于是更加恐慌。

as a result, when the nervous fu jian led his army into battle, it suffered a crushing defeat. 后来苻坚全军覆没,带着少数残余的队伍逃回去了。

英语成语故事带翻译篇三:mere copycat东施效颦 In the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋时期,770-476 BC), there was a beauty in the State of Yue called Xishi (西施). 传说春秋时期,越国有一美女,名唤西施。

She often suffered from pains in her chest, and so she would often walk around doubled over and with her brows knitted. 但是西施有心口疼的毛病,所以她经常手捂胸口,皱着眉头走着。

There was an ugly girl in the village called Dongshi who envied Xishi. 村子里还住着一位丑姑娘,叫做东施,她十分嫉妒西施。

Striving to emulate Xishi, she imitated her stoop, knitting her brows at the same time. 于是东施时常效仿西施,手捂胸口,紧皱眉头。

She thought that this made her elegant, but in fact, it only made her more ugly. 东施觉得她效仿西施就会变得很美丽,但是实际上,只会使她变得更 难看而已。Later, this idiom came to be used to indicate improper imitation that produces the reverse effect. 这个典故比喻不恰当的模仿,带来相反的效果。

Quenching Thirst by Watching Plums 望 梅止渴 One summer, Cao Cao was leading his troops in a punitive expedition against Zhang Xiu. It was extraordinarily hot. The burning sun was like a fire, and the sky was cloudless. The soldiers were walking on the winding mountain paths. The dense forest and the hot rocks exposed to the sun on both sides of the paths made the soldiers feel suffocated. By noontime the soldiers" clothes were wet through with sweat, and the marching speed slowed down. Some solders of weak physique even fainted on the roadside. 有一年夏天,曹操率领部队去讨伐张绣,天气热得出奇,骄阳似火, 天上一丝云彩也没有,部队在弯弯曲曲的山道上行走,两边密密的树木和被阳光 晒得滚烫的山石,让人透不过气来。到了中午时分,士兵的衣服都湿透了,行军 的速度也慢下来,有几个体弱的士兵竟晕倒在路边。

Seeing that the marching speed was slower and slower, Cao Cao was very worried because he feared that he might bungle the chance of winning the battle. But how could they quicken their speed Cao Cao at once callde the guide and asked him on the quiet whether there was a source of water nearby. The guide shook his head, saying that the spring water was on the other side of the mountain, which was very far to have to make a detour to reach. Cao Cao realized that time didn"t permit them to make such a detour. After thinking for a moment, he said to the guide, "Keep quiet. I"ll find a way out." He knew that it would be to no avail to order his troops to quicken the steps. He had a brain wave and found a good solution. He spurred his horse and came to the head of the column. Pointing his horsewhip to the front, Cao Cao said, "Soldiers, I know there is a big forest of plums ahead. The plums there are both big and delicious. let"s hurry along, and we will reach the forest of plums after bypassing this hill." When the solders heard this, they immediately slobbered. Picturing in their minds the sweet and sour flavour of the plums, the soldiers felt as if they were actually eating the plums, the soldiers felt as if they were actually eating the plums themselves. The morale greatly boosted, the soldiers quickened their steps a great deal automatically. 曹操看行军的速度越来越慢,担心贻误战机,心里很是着急。可是, 眼下几万人马连水都喝不上,又怎么能加快速度呢他立刻叫来向导,悄悄问他:
“这附近可有水源”向导摇摇头说:“泉水在山谷的那一边,要绕道过去还有很远 的路程。”曹操想了一下说,“不行,时间来不及。”他看了看前边的树林,沉思 了一会儿,对向导说:“你什么也别说,我来想办法。”他知道此刻即使下命令要求部队加快速度也无济于事。脑筋一转,办法来了,他一夹马肚子,快速赶到队 伍前面,用马鞭指着前方说:“士兵们,我知道前面有一大片梅林,那里的梅子 又大又好吃,我们快点赶路,绕过这个山丘就到梅林了!”士兵们一听,仿佛已经 吃到嘴里,精神大振,步伐不由得加快了许多。

This story comes from "The Fake Tangery" in Anecdotes of This World by Liu Yiqing of the Southern Dynasties period (420-589). From this story, people have derived the set phrase "quenching thirst by watching plums" to refer to trying to comfort oneself of others by idle dreams. 故事出自《世说新语·假谲》。成语“望梅止渴”,比喻用空想安慰自 己或他人。

1.经典英语成语故事带翻译 2.英文成语故事带翻译 3.成语故事大全英文版 4.英语成语故事带翻译:破镜重圆 5.适合小学生的英语成语故事 6.关于励志的英语成语故事


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