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幼儿园小班英语故事 幼儿园的小朋友的记忆力已经达到可以记住一写单词了,给他们说英 文的故事的话有助与他们以后对英文的学习,下面这些是小编为大家推荐的几篇 幼儿园小班英语故事 幼儿园小班英语故事:抱抱小刺猬 绿油油的草地上,小伙伴们正在玩游戏。




“呵呵呵……” “哈哈哈……” 这个“抱抱”游戏真好玩,大家玩得开心极了! “还有我,还有我……” 忽然,一个圆球滚了过来。

小兔子的手刚碰到圆球,就被刺伤了。好疼呀,小兔子哭了起来。啊, 原来圆球是小刺猬,它身上长满了尖尖的刺。


其他的小伙伴也纷纷指责小刺猬:“你身上长满了刺,竟然也想玩‘抱 抱’游戏……”“喂,小刺猬,你快走,我们这里不欢迎你!” 小刺猬伤心极了,耷拉(dala)着脑袋走了。



就在这时,一个长满尖刺的圆球冲了过来,狠狠地朝大灰狼撞去。啊, 是小刺猬! 大灰狼惨叫一声,扔下小兔子和小猪,急忙逃走了。




“小刺猬,你真厉害,把大灰狼都打跑了。”小猴子说,“为了表达谢 意,我们大家一定要抱抱你。” 小刺猬连忙摆手,“不行,不行,我身上有刺,会刺伤你们的。” “我有办法。”小猴子笑着跑进树林。没过多久,它抱着一个小树桩:
“是不是很像你呀。我们抱它,就好像抱你一样。”说着,小猴子将小树桩放在地 上。

“小猴子,你真聪明!”小兔子叫道,“我先抱,我先抱,我要第一个抱 小刺猬。” 小伙伴们一个接一个地走上前去,它们紧紧地抱着小树桩,好像小树 桩真的就是小刺猬。

小刺猬站在小树桩旁边。“嘿嘿嘿……”它笑得好开心! Green grass, buddies are playing games. "Small monkey, let me give you a hug!" The cat holding a small monkey, laughed. "Come on, we also hold." Pig and lamb clung together. "And we do, we also want to hug." Yellow dog and rabbit came. "Oh oh......" "Ha ha ha......"This "hug" game really fun, we play very happy! "And I, and i......" Suddenly, a ball. The little rabbit"s hand touched the ball, he was stabbed. Good pain ah, the little rabbit cried. Ah, the original ball is a little hedgehog, it was covered with sharp thorns. "Little hedgehog, what are you doing"" The yellow dog cried angrily. The other buddy also accused the Hedgehog: "you covered with thorns, who wanted to play" hug "game......" Hello, little hedgehog, you go, we do not welcome you here!" The little hedgehog was very sad, his head away (Dala). After a while, small rabbit does not cry, little friends and play together. Suddenly, a ferocious wolf jumped out from the bushes, buddies run scared. The wolf caught the little rabbit, seized the pig. At this time, a full spiked ball rushed over, gave the wolf ran. Ah, it"s little hedgehog! The wolf screams, leaving the rabbit and pig, quickly escaped. Little rabbit and little pig were saved. "Little hedgehog, thank you for saving us." Said the little rabbit and little piggy. "No thanks, no thanks!" The little hedgehog feel shy. The little hedgehog, you really badly, the wolf ran to play." The little monkey said, "in order to express gratitude, we must give you a hug." The little hedgehog quickly waved, "no, no, I have thorns will stab you." "I have a way." The little monkey smiled and ran into the woods. Not long after, it holds a small stake: "it is not like you. We hold it, as if you hold the same." Then, the little monkey will pile on the ground. "Small monkey, you are so clever!" A small rabbit exclaimed, "I have to, I have to, I want to be the first to hold the small hedgehog." Buddies one after another went up, they were holding a small tree stump, like the pile is really a little hedgehog.The little hedgehog stood beside the tree pile. "Hey hey hey......" It had a good laugh! 幼儿园小班英语故事:一家租给一群人 熊宝和兔贝从一座大房子前经过,听到猫奶奶在叹气:“我想把这房 子租出去,可没有一個人来租。” “您打算租多少钱”熊宝问。

“一個月一百個动物币吧。”熊宝是個热心肠,他对兔贝说:“我们得 帮帮老人家。”于是,熊宝和兔贝站在房子前大声喊:“有房子出租呀,快来租呀!” 鹿先生骑着摩托车经过,兔贝问他:“您要租房子吗”鹿先生问了问价 钱,说:“一百個动物币太贵了,我顶多只能出十個。” 十個动物币太少啦,猫奶奶可不干。兔贝问:“您平常都会呆在这房 子里吗” “不会。我是個送货员,白天很忙。”鹿先生说,“我就是晚上回来睡 觉。” “那您就只租卧室吧!”兔贝问猫奶奶,“那样,十個动物币够吧”猫奶奶 点点头。鹿先生乐了,他立刻租下了卧室。

原来还可以这样呀。这下,熊宝知道该怎么推销啦。他很快也拉到了 客人——猫头鹰先生。他每天太阳一下山就要去上班,只需要白天在卧室里睡觉。

兔贝把院子租给了牛大叔,牛大叔最喜欢种花种菜了,可是他家没有 院子,这下可以尽情使用这個租来的院子了。

熊宝把阳台租给了羊婶婶,羊婶婶经常要晒东西,一会儿是衣服,一 会儿是被单……多了一個阳台可帮了她大忙了。

猪厨师跑来了:“我们饭店的厨房不够用,我想租你们的厨房!” 眼镜猴跑来了:“我要租书房。我家里的书都没地方放了!”客人越来越多,猫奶奶的房子很快就租完了。所有租金加一块儿,刚 好是一百個动物币。


“是我。”熊宝挠挠头,“客厅有电视嘛。妈妈从来不让我看电视,以 后我做完作业就到这来……不过,我身上只有五個动物币。” “我帮你出另外五個吧。”兔贝说,“这個客厅就算是咱俩合租的。看 完电视,我们再一块儿唱歌、画画!"熊宝听了哈哈笑。

从此以后,这座房子总有人进进出出,热闹极啦,连猫奶奶都想在这 里租一個房间住呢! Rabbit Xiong Baohe shellfish from the front of a big house after, hear grandma cat sighed: "I want to rent out the house, can not a person to rent." "How much do you want to rent" Xiong Bao asked. "One month, one hundred animal coins." Xiong Bao is a hot heart, he said to the hare, "we have to help the old man."." So the bear and the hare stood in front of the house and shouted: "there is a house for rent!" Deer riding a motorcycle after the rabbit Bei asked him: "you want to rent a house" Mr. Lu asked the price, said: "the one hundred animal coin is too expensive, I can only ten." Ten animal money is too little, the cat grandma can not do. Bunny asked: "do you usually stay in this house" "Not. I"m a delivery man. I"m very busy during the day." Said Mr. deer, "I just came back to sleep at night." "Then you just rent a bedroom!" Bunny asked her grandmother, "so, do you have enough money for ten animals"" Cat grandma nodded. Mr. deer was happy, and he immediately rented a bedroom. So you can do it. Under this, Xiong Bao know how to sell it. He was quick to pull it to the guest, sir. He goes to work every day when the sun goes down, it just takes the day to sleep in the bedroom. Rabbit Bei courtyard rent to the cow uncle, uncle cow favorite flowers grow vegetables the, but his home without a yard, this can enjoy the rent to the yard. Xiong Bao rented the balcony Yang aunt, aunt sheep often have to drythings, while the clothes, while the sheets...... More than a balcony which helped her a lot. The pig chef ran: "we"re not in the kitchen. I want to rent your kitchen."!" The glasses monkey came running: "I want to rent a study. There"s no place in my house!" Guests are getting more and more, and the house of the cat and grandma will soon be rented out. All the rent together, just one hundred animal coins. "Right, who is the living room to rent out" Bunny bear treasure. "It"s me." Xiong Baonao head, "living room with TV. Mother never let me watch TV, after I finished my homework to this...... But I have only five animals in my body." "I"ll give you another five." Rabbit he said. "This is the living room if we flat-share. After watching TV, we can sing and paint together! "Bear treasure to listen to ha ha smile. From then on, the house there are always people in and out, very lively, even the cat grandma want to rent a room here! 幼儿园小班英语故事:青蛙合唱团 群青蛙整齐地站在荷叶上,齐声歌唱着。瞧,他们还有一个指挥呢! 这是青蛙合唱团在排练节目。今天晚上,他们要去一个特别的地方表 演节目! 太阳下山了。青蛙们跳下荷叶,沿着弯弯曲曲的田埂朝寅出地跳去。


狮子城的狮子们真热情啊!他们点亮了所有的街灯,还让所有的汽车 一齐嘀嘀叫:“欢迎,欢迎,热烈欢迎!” 可是,一进狮子城,青蛙们全都病了:头疼、走不动路,更唱不了歌。

幸号青蛙指挥见多识广他找到狮子市长,说:“赶紧把灯全部关掉, 让所有的喇叭声也停掉!青蛙们在静静的田野、柔柔的月光下生活惯了,受不了 这么强烈的灯光和这么刺耳的声音。”灯一盏盏地灭了,汽车声和喇叭声全消失了。

狮子城一片安静,淡淡的月光洒下来,照在小青蛙的身上。“呱呱!呱 呱!”几只小青蛙立刻快活地叫了起来。

青蛙们来到了狮子城最大的喷水池旁,准备表演节目。可是,那些狮 子看上去一点也不快活,全都懒洋洋地躺在地上,脸上一点笑容也没有。


《呱呱叫的夏夜》、《胖胖的肚皮鼓起来》、《蜻蜒点点飞》……他们唱了一首 又一首。

在青蛙们的歌声中,狮子们一个个坐了起来,脸上露出了微笑。演唱 会刚结束,市长就冲上喷水池,兴奋地对青蛙指挥说:“你们给狮子城带来了真 正的夏夜!” 是呀,一个夏夜,没有蛙声怎么行青蛙指挥说:“既然你们喜欢,我 们明晚再来吧。不过,请你们把喷水池改成荷塘,好吗那样我们才有真正的舞台 呀!” A group of frogs were standing on the lotus leaves, singing in unison. Look, they have a command! This is the frog choir rehearsal. Tonight, they are going to a special place to perform! The sun goes down. The frogs jumped out of the lotus leaf, along the winding ridge towards a jump to yin. Jump and jump, the frog jumped into the lights flashing lion city. Lion City Lions are really enthusiastic! They light all the lights, let all the cars together didi called: "welcome, welcome, warmly welcome!" However, in the lion city, the frogs are sick: headache, walk the road, more can"t sing. Lucky frog command "s informed he found lion mayor, said, hastened to turn off all the lights, let all the horn sound off! The frogs in the quiet fields, the soft moonlight accustomed to the life, can"t bear the strong lights and so harsh voice. " One by one the lights out, the car and the sound of the horn all disappeared.The lion city quiet, faint moonlight shone, shines on the small frog"s body. "Gua Gua! Gua Gua!" a few small frog immediately cried joyously. The frogs came to the fountain of the lion city side of the largest, ready to show. However, those lions didn"t look happy, all lazily lying on the ground, not a little smile on his face. "Ready, sing!" the frog in command under the command of the frog chorus start performances. "Croak," summer night "fat belly", "to have little Dragonfly fly"...... They sang a song. In frogs singing, the lions one sat up and smiled. Concert just end, mayor rushed on the fountain, excitedly commands to the frog said: "you to the lion city brought real summer night!" Yes, one night, no frogs do The frog command said: "since you love, we come back tomorrow. However, please put your fountain into a pond, okay So that we will have the real stage!"


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