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[中英文寓言故事] 寓言故事中英互译

来源:剪彩 时间:2019-08-15 18:05:46 点击:


中英文寓言故事 搞清楚寓言故事与哲学关系、寓言故事优势以及怎样使用寓言故事等, 从而达到运用寓言故事增强 哲学常识 吸引力的目的。

下面这些是小编为大家 推荐的几篇中英文寓言故事 中英文寓言故事:猎鹰擒鹏 楚文王年轻的时候,特别喜欢打猎。他一直希望能够拥有一只超凡脱 俗、勇猛无比的猎鹰跟随左右,在打猎时助自己一臂之力。于是他命人在全国各 地张贴告示,悬赏重奖献上优秀猎鹰的人。

果然有一天,一个人风尘仆仆地来拜见他,献给他一只猎鹰。这只猎 鹰体态矫健,浑身的羽毛光滑油亮,像一匹褐色的缎子,没有一丝杂色,脚爪锋 利得闪出道道寒光,样子威武神骏,果然不同于一般的猎鹰。楚文王很是高兴, 想早些看到新得的猎鹰一试身手,于是就带着它到云梦泽去打猎。

楚文王叫人挖下了许多陷阱,里面埋上尖刺,又布下了大量用来捕捉 动物的夹子和罗网,然后下令放火烧荒。一时间,浓烟滚滚,火光冲天,大小飞 禽走兽争相奔逃。这样没头没脑的一阵乱穿,被火烧伤的、被烟熏倒的、掉进陷 阱的、被夹子夹住的、被网罩住的动物不计其数。趁着这有利的时机,猎鹰们纷 纷竖起了颈上的羽毛,拍打着双翅,竞相冲出去捕捉猎物,到主人面前邀功请赏。

但不知为什么,这只刚被献上的猎鹰却伸着脖子,瞪着眼睛呆滞而漠然地瞧着眼 前这一切,一点也没有准备去搏击的意思。

楚文王非常失望,将献鹰的人叫到跟前说:“我的那些鹰已经为我捕 获到了很多猎物了,只有你献的这只鹰连动也没动过,寸功未立。你好大的胆子, 竟敢拿这种下等的蠢物来欺骗我,真是太不像话了!” 献鹰的人辩解说:“我献的这只鹰如果也只和普通猎鹰一样,只有捕 捉野兔山鸡之类猎物的能耐,那我怎么敢把它献给大王呢请您耐心地等待显示它 才能的机会吧。” 楚文王的怒气还未消,突然看见云雾中有一只巨大的飞禽在滑翔,全 身洁白。它速度奇快,看不清形状,闪了几闪就不见了。这时候,那只猎鹰双眼 光芒四射,展翅如一道闪电般冲向天空,一刹间也消失在人们的视线以外。过了一会儿,天空中下起了大雪。待人们定睛细看,才发现是一片片 洁白的羽毛。然后,一股殷红的鲜血像雨一般倾注下来,大家都被这奇观惊呆了。

最后,一只硕大无朋的鸟掉落下来,两翅盖住了大片土地,粗粗一量,竟然有十 几里宽。

大家一时都不认识它究竟是什么鸟,有一位博学多识的人终于认了出 来,就告诉了楚文王说:“这就是大鹏啊!”楚文王大喜,于是重重赏赐了那个献 鹰的人。

在一般的猎鹰都能做的事情面前,这只不平常的猎鹰却显得连平庸的 猎鹰也不如,而遇到了大鹏后,它才显出了本色。人也是一样,真正有才能的人 只有在关键时刻才能发挥出作用,我们要有眼光,做到人尽其才、物尽其用。

Falcon tackled peng ChuWen king when he was young, especially like to hunt. He always want to be able to have a free from vulgarity, intrepid matchless falcon follow around, help themselves out when hunting. So he ordered posted in all parts of the country, reward handsomely offer excellent falcon. Sure enough, one day, a man came to visit his dusty, presented him with a falcon. The falcon posture, lithe body feathers smooth sleek, like a brown satin, no noise, sharp claws to flash their behing cold light, looks mighty god, indeed as expected is different from general falcon. Early ChuWen king is very happy, want to see new falcon tried his hand, so he took it to the yunmeng ze went hunting. ChuWen reigned unto dig down a lot of traps, buried inside the spike, and built a large clip and syringes used to capture the animal, and then ordered the fire burning. At that time, smoke and flames, the size of the animals and birds to flee. Such unnatural a burst of disorderly wear, the fire burns, fall, fall into the trap, smoke are clip clamps, net countless live animals. Taking the advantage of this favorable opportunity, the falcons are erected neck feathers, flapping his wings and compete to rush out to capture prey, garnered far before the master. But I don"t know why, it"s just been offer falcon has stretched out his neck, staring eyes glaze over and look at present in all of this, wasn"t ready to fight. ChuWen was disappointed, who will offer the eagle is called and said: "I am the eagle has a lot more to capture prey for me, only you offer the eagle did not move, CunGong adulthood. How are you dare, dare to take this kind of inferior creatures to deceive me, it"s very ridiculous!" Offer the eagle said: "I offer the eagle if only like ordinary falcon, only to catch a hare pheasant prey, such as how dare that I offered it to the king Please patiently waiting for the chance to show it can." ChuWen the anger of king yet, suddenly saw a giant cloud of birds in theglide, whole body white. It"s fast, can"t see shape, a couple of flash was gone. At that time, the falcon eyes radiant, spread your wings and rushed to the sky like a flash of lightning and a brake between also disappeared in people"s sight. After a while, the sky below the heavy snow. For people looking intently, were found pieces of white feathers. Then, a deep red blood as the rain poured down, everyone was shocked by this spectacle. Finally, a fat bird fell off, two wings covered large areas of land, a thick, unexpectedly wide in a dozen. Everyone don"t know what it is for the birds, there is a considerable recognized, finally is ChuWen king said: "this is dapeng!" ChuWen da-xi wang, and reward the person who had the offer the eagle. In general, before the falcon could do this unusual falcon is even than mediocre falcon, and met the dapeng, it only show their true colors. People also is same, really talented people only at a crucial moment can play a role, we must have the vision, do men and material. 中英文寓言故事:邻人献玉 魏国的一个农夫有一次在犁田时突然听到一声震响。他喝住耕牛,刨 开土层一看,原来是犁铧撞上了一块直径一尺、光泽碧透的异石。农夫不知是玉, 所以跑到附近田里请邻人过来观看。那邻人一看是块罕见的玉石,于是起了歹心。

他编了一套谎话对农夫说:“这是个不祥之物,留着它迟早会生祸患。你不如把 它扔掉。”农夫一时还拿不定主意。他心想:“这么漂亮的一块石头,假如不是怪 石,扔掉了多么可惜。”农夫犹豫了一会儿,最后还是决定把它拿回家去,先摆 在屋外的走廊上观察一下,看看到底是怎么一回事。

那天夜里,宝玉忽然光芒四射,把整个屋子照得像白昼一样。农夫全 家人被这种神奇的景象惊呆了。农夫又跑去找那邻人。邻人趁机吓唬他说:“这 就是石头里的妖魔在作怪。你只有马上把这块怪石扔掉才能消灾除祸!”听了这话 以后,农夫急忙把玉石扔到了野地里。时隔不久,那邻人跑到野外把玉石搬回了 自己的家。


那玉工一见这块玉石,不觉大吃一惊。他急忙朝魏王跪下,连连叩头,然后起身 对魏王说:“恭喜圣上洪福,您得到了一块稀世珍宝。我虽然当了这么多年的玉 工,还从来没有见过这样大、这样好的玉石。”魏王问:“这块玉石值多少钱”玉 工说:“这是一件无价之宝,难以用金钱计算它的价值。世上的繁华都市里有各种各样的玉石,但没有哪一块能与它媲美。”魏王听了这话以后大喜,当即赏给 献玉者一千斤黄金,同时还赐予他终生享用大夫俸禄的待遇。

狡诈的人因骗取的玉石而受赏食禄,而善良的穷苦人却还蒙在鼓里一 点也不知道。

Neighbor offered jade Wei a farmer once suddenly heard a loud peal when plough. He drink live cattle, digging soil layer, the original is a diameter of a plowshare struck a ruler, a luminous blue stone. The farmer didn"t know is jade, so please neighbor ran to a nearby the field to watch. The neighbor a look is a rare piece of jade, so either good or bad on the heart. He made up a lie to the farmer said: "this is a bad thing, keep it sooner or later gave birth to evil. You throw it away." The farmer couldn"t make up her mind at the moment. He thought, "a stone so beautiful, if not be odd rocks, threw away what a pity." The farmer hesitated for a while, finally decided to take it home, on the corridor outside look at the first, and see what is going on. At that night, the treasure jade radiant, suddenly the whole room was like a day. The farmer family was transfixed by the magical scenes. The farmer ran to find the neighbors. Neighbor take frighten he said: "this is the demon stone. You only get rid of the odd rocks immediately to eliminate the evil in addition to curse!" After hearing this, the farmer quickly threw the jade into the field. Soon after, the neighbor ran to the field to carry the jade back to his home. The next day, the neighbour to with this piece of jade. The king called YuGong to evaluate its value. The YuGong saw this piece of jade, unknowingly by surprise. Repeatedly kowtow, he hurried toward the su knelt down, and then got up and said to the king: "congratulations to most holy for you to get a piece of rare treasures. Although I when YuGong for so many years, had never seen such big jade, so good." Wei and the king said: "this piece of jade worth" YuGong said: "this is a priceless treasure, it is difficult to calculate it with money. The value of the bustling city of the world there are all kinds of jade, but no one can match with it." After the king heard this, big promptly to offer one thousand jins gold jade, but also give him a lifetime to enjoy the doctor salary treatment. Cunning people who eat eloth by diddle of jade, and kind of poor people in the dark is not known yet. 中英文寓言故事:林回弃璧 周朝有一个诸侯国灭亡了,亡国的难民中有个叫林回的人,他舍弃了 价值千金的玉璧,却背负着婴儿逃难。

难民中有人不理解林回的选择:“你是为了金钱吗如果是为了金钱, 一个婴孩能值几个钱”又有人问:“你不害怕受牵累吗一个吃奶的婴儿在战难时,给人添的麻烦简直说不完。国难当头,真不明白你抛弃宝玉,背上婴儿这个包袱 是为什么” 林回背着孩子说:“那块宝玉是因为值钱才和我在一起。这孩子因为 是我的亲生骨肉,和我的感情连在一起。” 和金钱利欲结合在一起,遇到天灾人祸,患难之时便会互相抛弃;和 骨肉情义友谊结合在一起,遇到患难便会相依为命。互相抛弃与互相依存,实在 是相去十万八千里啊! 用金钱利欲结成的关系是暂时的,不能经受患难的考验;人与人之间 的亲情友谊,患难与共才是长久和永恒的。

Lin back to abandon choi The zhou dynasty had a vassal states perished, subscribe to a man called Lin hui of the refugees, he abandoned the value daughter jade, but carries the baby refugees. Refugees in the choice of some people don"t understand Lin hui: "are you for money If it is for the sake of money, a baby can be worth a few money" Asked again: "you are not afraid of forestall involvements A nursing baby when fighting, give a person the trouble is said not over. While campaigning, really don"t understand what you abandon the treasure jade, back baby this burden is why" Lin back to carry a child said: "that piece of treasure jade is worth don and I together. Because the child is my own flesh and blood, and my feelings together." Money and secular together, have natural and man-made, at the time of trouble will abandon each other;
And the flesh of friendship friendship together, meet adversity will be lived alone. Abandon each other with each other, it is out to be! With money secular form of relationship is temporary, can not withstand the test of adversity;
Interpersonal affection friendship, sharing weal and woe is long and forever.


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